Tuesday, June 28, 2011


ALIENSHIFT PROJECT GEORGE GREEN SEP2009 George Green's military service in the USAF where he encountered alien disk craft in a remote hanger at Edwards AFB, through corporate banking and large-scale construction, to working closely with the Pleiadians and other benevolent intelligences to "wake people up" in preparation for coming Pole Shift. As George describes: He was asked to build an enemy prisoner-of-war camp in downtown Las Vegas - he refused - and was asked to be Finance Chairman for the Carter administration, but declined after it became clear to him that the ethics of many of the senior players were heavily compromised. Shortly after he turned down the offer, his loans were called in and he lost many millions of dollars as finance was removed from dozens of major construction projects. Undeterred, George rebuilt his world and is in direct contact with Pleiadian intelligences and other beings. He has devoted his life to spreading the word that all is not as it seems. see more on: www.Alienshift.com ALIENSHIFT New Hope for Humanity Please support ALIENSHIFT

1 comment:

  1. Very interesting and probably true...but tell me georgie did the ET's advise you to buy up as much gold as you can or to align yourself spiritually???
