Friday, July 29, 2011

Green Activist Awaits Sentencing

Tim DeChristopher: The "drill now, think later" mentality posing massive threat to our future


  1. just a suggestion for your channel
    you guys should get a better mic
    because its pretty difficult to
    understand the reporter

  2. you broke the law. go to jail do not pass go. lol

  3. More exposure is a good start. Thanks to all concerned.

  4. JoelBitarProductionsJune 29, 2011 at 7:33 PM

    This guy is a badass.

  5. This is BS.. Listen to the full story on Democracy Now.. He raised the money and they wouldn't except it....... This is un-fukn-believable....... He better not get one day in jail. People better speak up against this....RAISE HELL...... People need to start naming manes......... Hang'em all...........................

  6. I like the way this guy thinks, the government is used by corporations to "regulate" to make us all "safe" but the regulation is usually only used against the people or other corporations to justify a monopoly. People DO NEED to start taking things into their own hands instead of always looking to the government to save them. Normally government intervention or "regulation" is what stifles innovation, and usually make things worse and has the opposite effect on the problem it was supposed to fix

  7. Tim De Christopher is very knowledgeable, and articulate. He's become a role model for me. He tells it well, the system of corporations will protect it's own. This is something he was right to do, something which most everyone might be called on to do sooner or later.

  8. go go go Tim....people are on your side.

  9. the need for low gas prices vs greedy oil corporations that turn the land to sh.t in an effort to maximize their already high profits...there should be a middle ground bad the EPA is so easily corrupted and couldnt give two sh.ts about doing their job.
    this man is a doer ..respect

  10. @amyntazoe when things like this happen, it certainly enrages anyone with eyes to see. but what we've learned about social change is that people have to actually be willing to submit to the penalties of the unjust system in order to make it more just. workers movements especially. bloody streets, people filling the jails, sending kids to other towns so they could eat and be cared for because their parents knew that direct action was required. not nearly enough people are willing, yet.

  11. If this dud goes to jail , HUGE protest needs to be planned

  12. a REAL hero with balls.

  13. Travesty. + there's the whole scam of how they pick they juries - they love to use alexandria, virginia, so they can get wives. etc. of private contractors who rely upon the government for their well-being. Our system is broken, and Obombya is a huge part of it. There's only one candidate for President who is honest (and who can actually win) and who can bring earnestness to the process. What's it going to take to get awakenned liberals on board with Ron Paul? At least check him out, in earnest.

  14. @iHappyTimeTech obviously he has a network of supporters in the "movement" who will protest a jail sentence, but look at bradley manning who is being tortured...has there been one meaningful protest? The reason I mention Ron Paul to liberals etc. is that he's on record as saying he will pardon BM if necessary, and that transparency is crucial if our republic is to rebound from its current trajectory. Compare that to Obama who is a scoundrel working on behalf of the agencies of unchecked power.

  15. 1 person got outbid by Tim at the auction D:

  16. @slewofdamascus It would take Ron Paul leaving the republican party and siding with us against the corporations. I'm serious. Ron Paul promises to start breaking up the too big to fail crowd and I'm sold. We agree on foreign policy but the Ayn Rand shit is a dealbreaker.

  17. @NoCommentChick rp is on record as saying he would have let those companies fail, that's a fact, I'm not just saying that to win you (or anyone) over, he voted against those bailouts. I think people, too often, let a single issue dictate their votes. Getting out of these wars is the most important thing this country can do, as a number one agenda. Obama campaigned on that, and made other promises, which were all lies. RP has a record of honesty. He wants to stop the money as debt scheme, also.

  18. @JoelBitarProductions Dumbass you mean? Greenie criminal.

  19. 10 years for disrupting an auction??? wow...

  20. @kruat43 It was not a fair trial. U.S. District Judge Dee Benson didn't allow Tim's side to raise the "necessity defense"— that Tim was forced to choose the lesser of two evils to right a wrong. That would have opened the door to introduce global warming and detrimental environmental impacts as motivators that drove DeChristopher to violate the law. Benson claimed crowds demonstrating outside the auction was enough opposition to ruining our environment. sure.

  21. They could just have the auction again. But of course, they want to make an example of him. The so-called 'justice system' is indeed their tool, to be used and abused as they see fit.

  22. This guy's doing something righteous... throw him in jail!!!!

  23. The justice system of oppression. It is more just if you are rich.

  24. well actually i have to disagree with tim at least on one thing... while the justice system does indeed serve those in power - the PEOPLE should be the ones in power. so to say that the justice system in general is bad... no. it's just bad because it is controlled by a corrupt regime instead of the people.
