Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Because global warming has been discredited, it is now referred to as climate change, climate disruption and the greenhouse effect. Many people may not realize that water vapor (H2O) accounts for 97% of all greenhouse gases and human activity contributes only a fraction of 1% to greenhouse gas emissions. Yet there is alarmism over how much carbon humans emit. Temperature drives CO2 levels. If it was beneficial to reduce carbon, limiting human carbon emissions would have no effect because human carbon emissions are so minuscule. Other gases like methane, nitrous oxide, ozone, etc. are not major greenhouse gases. According to Dr. Michael Coffman, and over 30000 other scientists, carbon dioxide (CO2) is essential for life on Earth. All plants must have it to produce food for themselves. At the current atmospheric concentrations, CO2 is limiting to plant growth. Currently, CO2 levels are about 387 ppm, and even if the levels increased by 500%, it would benefit agriculture and the Earth's atmosphere without any harm to humans or other animal life. The consensus that CO2 is harmful and that the science is "settled" is false. Despite the fact that water vapor causes the overwhelming amount of greenhouse gas, the EPA failed to list it as a greenhouse gas in its 'Endangerment Finding', most likely because people would then understand that water, like carbon, is harmless and would reject the idea that CO2 is a threat to public health and welfare. The objective of controlling ...

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